It's just been one of those days! Emma, as usual, has been extremely fussy and crabby today, just constantly wanting to be held and caressed. Thomas kindly and very generously got up with her this morning at 6am and spent the whole morning trying to calm her down and let me sleep in...even though he has work today! He's been an incredible help and support. But, despite his efforts in trying to get her to sleep, she has insisted on remaining fussy and putting up a fight. I find myself saying "it's just one of those days". You know those days when your baby doesn't allow you to shower, clean a very messy house or run errands? Ya, those days. ;) I do find however that saying "it's just one of those days" helps me to accept that fact and remind myself that I can't and won't be able to "do it all". The vacuuming, mopping, laundry, dusting, bathroom, bedroom, grocery shopping...etc. etc. But that's ok! Once I just accept the fact of it being that kind of day, I can more easily roll with the punches instead of resisting it and beating myself up about it. We are meant to have these kinds of days and you know what, it helps and forces me to stop, take a breath and just spend the quality time with Emma. If she wants to be held all day and screams if I leave her alone for even a second, then thank you God for forcing me to give her that undivided attention and spend this time cuddled up with her...a time which quickly speeds by to when your daughter doesn't always "need" you to hold her and comfort her constantly. So I'm going to just sit back, light a nice smelling candle, drink some calming tea, listen to Paul Cardall on Pandora, relax snuggled up with my baby cakes and not feel guilty about the gazillion chores that need to be done. God has given me the day off from chores today. Today my task is spending quality time with Emma being there for her and comforting her. I do believe God gives you these days to force you to take a step back and relish the moments with a newborn that fly by so quickly.....oh AND to work on your patience. ;)
So here's to having "just one of those days!"