So last week was VERY exciting! Daddy and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time! Boy, it made it so much more real and exciting for us! I think it especially hit Thomas. It was extremely sweet when my midwife caught the heartbeat for the first time. Thomas' eyes popped wide open in amazement and surprise and a huge smile burst from his mouth. He's going to be a wonderful father. :)
Our next appointment is Feb. 17th and we'll be able to schedule an ultrasound. If hearing the heartbeat was that exciting, I can only imagine what it'll be like to actually SEE our baby!! We also will be able to find out the gender as well. We can't wait!
I'm starting to feel a little better. Still exhausted ALL the time! For a while I was getting terribly nauseous. I was actually throwing up, which was new for me during this pregnancy! I suddenly realized that I had stopped taking the Milk Thistle which apparently is very good for helping morning sickness. I had run out of the pills and soon after that, I started feeling worse. I guess that's just proof that it really did help me and I'll remember that for my next pregnancies! My food aversions have pretty much stayed the same.....ground beef, soups and for some reason ice cream?! Why ice cream?!
I have had a ton more cravings! Twizzlers, applesauce, yogurt, juice (esp. cranberry) and mozzarella sticks. I should probably stop now before I get hungry for them again! Unfortunately none of these things are in the house for me to get!
It's been so nice. Thomas has been taking me away rather frequently on weekend trips to some very relaxing cool places! He says he wants to make sure we do as much as we can before the baby comes. It's been like an extended honeymoon! This has definitely been a wonderful start to our first year. I couldn't ask for better! This Valentine's Day marks 1 year since we got engaged! How quickly it has gone by! God has been so good to us!