Thomas and I are thrilled to announce that we are having a baby GIRL! Emma Rose Schutzman...Emma after St. Emma of Gurk and Rose after Our Lady. Thomas and I were having quite the trouble picking out boys names, so we're happy to have the girl name settled. ;) Of course being from a family of all girls, I have to admit, I am a bit relieved to be starting out with a girl since my knowledge of baby boys is not very good. ;) Please God eventually though! Our ultrasound proved a very active baby who loves to move around A LOT. My midwife was literally chasing Emma around with the doppler trying to catch her heart beat. Now that I have a name and a gender, it's incredible how much more I'm attached to this child.
We are so excited! Time seems to be ticking away and it amazes me how fast March FLEW by! Easter will be here before you know it as well as two other nieces! My sister-in-law Mary Felice is due to have her baby any day now! Please keep her in your prayers. She and her husband are quite anxious and excited to meet their little Isabel Sophie. My goddaughter, Marie Godelieve, will be making her grand entrance mid-April! My sister-in-law Maddie and her husband are busily preparing for their first daughter. Maybe it'll be an Easter baby! ;) It's been so exciting having all my married sister-in-laws expecting children as well as myself. Nothing like everyone being on the same page and bringing a total of 4 new grandchildren into the world in one year! It'll be fun having children all around the same age. Like my husband says, the Schutzman grandchildren will be exponential! Lol!
May Our Lady protect our family and lead us all to Heaven.