Monday, May 19, 2014

The Month of Mary, Mother of All!


Happy Mother's Day all you mothers! This is my first one and I have to say, I feel so very privileged to be given this title. A mother means so many things and I only hope and pray that I will live up to such a special role. To think that I have received a title in which Our Lady herself was given is such a special gift and blessing. How undeserving and little I feel when I think about sharing such a name with her, who is the Mother of all and most importantly the Mother of Our Lord. I believe May is my favorite month...a month dedicated to Our Lady. What a great opportunity to live each day during this month consecrating ourselves to her and reminding ourselves to place all our concerns and desires in her hands to present them to her Son. What a loving mother! Just as she agonized with her Son during the Passion, walking with Him each step and sharing in His sufferings, so too does she walk with us each step and accompanies us in our journey here on Earth. Just as she hastened to the cross of Our Lord and offered consolation to Him, so too does she run up to us as we carry our crosses and offers her help and motherly affection. Everytime we struggle, she sees it as her child who has fallen down, cut and bruised, hurting and having trouble getting back up. She runs to our aid and offers consolation and her help. Her love is unlimited and though so many times we offend and disobey, she forgives and loves tenderly. How often do we act like little children, nagging her for things she knows is not good for us and putting up a fuss when we don't get what we want. How often she does so many things for us and yet we neglect to thank her and show appreciation or do something in return. We are like spoiled little children and yet she still loves us and cares for us. She is the very essence of a mother. She sets the standards for that role and we must strive to reach that standard ourselves. I must admit, sometimes I have thought, "but she had it so easy with having the perfect child! She didn't have to deal with cranky misbehaving children...she had the perfect son!" But then I thought, are we perfect? No. Do we disobey, misbehave and not listen? Yes. Is she not the mother of all? Indeed she is. Does she have to deal and parent us here on Earth? She sure does. What a difficult job! We may have 8, 10, 13 children we have to deal with, but she deals with every single person here on Earth. Yet, despite having children who often times sin and offend her, she is perfect and fulfills the role of motherhood perfectly. She teaches us patience, charity, selflessness, humility and so many other virtues. What better person to model ourselves after? What other person than she truly deserves this title and role of motherhood? That's why we must strive to be like her in every way, so that we can honor this role which is hers and bring our children up to recognize us as models of the Ultimate Mother, Our Lady. May we never hesitate to run to her with childlike confidence and sincere hearts which yearn for her comfort, assistance and love. If she journeyed through The Passion with Our Lord for our salvation, there is nothing she wouldn't do to help us. Happy Mother's Day, Mary!

My husband was so good to me this Mother's Day. He treated me out to a lovely Italian restaurant, surprised me with balloons, a card and the most beautiful set of pearls! It was truly special. I look forward to the next one when our little Emma is with us on the outside! ;) We can't wait for her arrival!