Wednesday, April 6, 2016


It's been such a long time since I posted anything! I figured now that Agnes is born, this would give me more incentive to take pictures and keep everyone updated.

Agnes was born March 9th at 2:12 in the afternoon. She weighed 7lbs and 6oz and came out with a shocking head of hair! My labor was another quicky taking only about 1 and a half hours to deliver. For those of you who didn't know, I was induced a week early because she was so low and they were worried (with how quick my first delivery was) that I wouldn't make it to the hospital. Looks like I have fast labors! Fast but intense. Thanks be to God though, everything went smoothly and we delivered a very healthy baby. I still can't believe she's here and that we are blessed with two beautiful children! As painful as delivering a baby is, it's also the most meaningful and special experience, one that touches Thomas and I deeply. I wouldn't want the experience to be any different, including the pain, for the pain reminds us of Our Lord's passion and that He had to suffer in order to give us life. There is no love without sacrifice.

We have been adjusting very well here and Emma is more than thrilled with a new sister! There have been a lot of hugs and kisses going around...including poking the eyes, nose and mouth to show off that she knows where they are located...."Eye?! Noose?! Mawlf?!" Meanwhile mommy clamors over the coffee table to save Agnes from being "overly loved". Emma loves helping mommy and daddy too. Her duties consist of pacifier patrol, diaper duty and cradle rocker. She's very good at it! In fact, I must admit, it has been a huge help to me, even those little things.

Nighttime has, shall we say interesting? Rocking the swaddled baby, shushing and praying that she'll just give in and close her eyes! Then holding my breath as I ever so gently place her in the bassinet while praying again that she stays asleep! But no, the minute I place her down, her eyes pop wide open and the whole process repeats itself....until midnight. But ah! Finally....bedtime, even though it is midnight. Nothing like finally laying down, putting your feet up and closing your dark circled, baggy and sleep deprived eyes! But's not over yet because now you have the Barney song stuck in your head that your toddler listened to over and over that times! Although I must say, ever since I got back on my gluten free, refined sugar free and dairy free lifestyle, she has been much better. We'll see if that lasts!

My dear husband has been incredible during this post partum period! I couldn't possibly be more spoiled by him and it has been so helpful while I transition into "mama of two" mode. He's brought me home goodies, flowers, written me sweet notes to wake up to in the morning, surprised me and took off a day of work and packed a picnic for our family to enjoy at the lake, and so many other thoughtful deeds. All this while he also isn't getting much sleep either and working very hard with his new job. I am incredibly blessed!

Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!

Someone is going through only child withdrawals lol